Rationale of Jaimini Jyotish: Special Lecture by Sri AB Shuklaji, Hon. National President, ICAS
In a most surprising manner, we were privileged to have Sri A B Shuklaji, Hon. National President of ICAS in Mysuru on 9th October Sunday. It was a private visit by Sri A B Shuklaji but he kindly spent time with all of us and clarified some fundamental doubts regarding Jaimini system. Gurudev Shuklaji noted that teaching in Mysuru is a joy as the thirst for knowledge is very high here and he also felt home.
The lecture focused on why there are exceptions to calculation of Arudha. He noted that the controversies in Jaimini is mainly because of ignorance/partial application of decoding whatever Jaimini has said in his sutras, and narrated a beautiful story about why Jaimini resorted to teach in a very cryptic manner. He very logically explained the fundamental logic of exceptions to Arudha calculations from the Jaimini Sutras and also modern Physics.
The 4/10 axis of Arudha calculation was further extended by taking a number of principles from Jataka Tattva. Various yogas formed by the exchange of padas was laid threadbare in the context of Srimadbhagavadgeetha, which will be posted separately. Guruji also made us understand why any association with 6, 8, 12 lords/houses/padas need not be negative in every context.
It was a surprisingly wonderful time we had with guruji who spent three hours with us inspite of keeping Navaratra fast. For us, however, it was an intellectual feast!